2011年1月5日 星期三

elusive, plausible,

elusive /iˈluːsɪv/ DJ /ɪ'lusɪv/ KK

1.difficult to find, define, or achieve 難找的;難以解釋的;難以達到的 adjective

Eric, as elusive as ever, was nowhere to be found. 埃里克神出鬼沒,哪兒也找不着。

the elusive concept of ‘literature’ “文學”這一難以解釋的概念

A solution to the problem of toxic waste is proving elusive in the extreme. 解決有毒廢物的問題已證明極難實現。

Derivative: elusively adverb

Derivative: elusiveness noun, uncountable



1.Difficult to find, catch, or achieve

2.Difficult to remember or recall


adjective: evasive, elusory

plausible /ˈplɔːzəbl/ DJ /'plɔzəbḷ/ KK


1.of an excuse or explanation 藉口或解釋 reasonable and likely to be true 有道理的;可信的

Her story sounded perfectly plausible. 她的說辭聽起來言之有理。

The only plausible explanation is that he forgot. 唯一合理的解釋就是他忘掉了。

See also: implausible Antonym

2.of a person 人 good at sounding honest and sincere, especially when trying to trick people 巧言令色的;花言巧語的 disapproving

She was a plausible liar. 她是個巧言令色的說謊高手。

Derivative: plausibility noun, uncountable /ˌplɔːzəˈbɪləti/ DJ /ˈplɔzə'bɪlətɪ/ KK

Derivative: plausibly adverb /-əbli/ DJ /-əblɪ/ KK

He argued very plausibly that the claims were true. 他花言巧語地辯解說那些說法屬實。



1.(of an argument or statement) Seeming reasonable or probable

2.(of a person) Skilled at producing persuasive arguments, esp. ones intended to deceive


adjective: probable, likely, credible, believable, possible