accordingly /əˈkɔːdɪŋli/ DJ /əˈkɔːrd-/ DJ US /ə'kɔrdɪŋlɪ/ KK US
adverb a way that is appropriate to what has been done or said in a particular situation 照着;相應地
2.for that reason; therefore 因此;所以
foster /ˈfɒstə(r)/ DJ /ˈfɔːs-/ DJ US /'fɔstɚ/ KK US /ˈfɑːs-/ DJ US /'fɑs-/ KK US
verb encourage something to develop 促進;助長;培養;鼓勵 VN written
The club's aim is to foster better relations within the community. 俱樂部的宗旨是促進團體內部的關係。 take another person's child into your home for a period of time, without becoming his or her legal parents 代養,撫育,照料(他人子女一段時間) especially British English
monopolize; -ise /məˈnɒpəlaɪz/ DJ /məˈnɑːp-/ DJ US /mə'nɑpəˈlaɪz/ KK US
verb have or take control of the largest part of something so that other people are prevented from sharing it 獨佔;壟斷;包辦 VN
Men traditionally monopolized jobs in the printing industry. 在傳統上,男人包攬了印刷行業中的所有工作。
As usual, she completely monopolized the conversation. 她和往常一樣,壟斷了這次談話。 have or take a large part of somebody's attention or time so that they are unable to speak to or deal with other people 佔去(某人的大部份注意力或時間);獨佔;霸佔;使無法擺脫 VN
Derivative: monopolization noun, uncountable /məˌnɒpəlaɪˈzeɪʃn/ DJ /məˌnɑːpələˈz-/ DJ, US /məˈnɑpələ'zeʃən/ KK, US
lengthy /ˈleŋθi/ DJ /'lɛŋθɪ/ KK
1.very long, and often too long, in time or size 很長的;漫長的;冗長的 adjective
lengthy delays/discussions 長時間的拖延╱討論
the lengthy process of obtaining a visa 獲得簽證的漫長過程
a lengthy report/explanation 冗長的報告╱解釋
Irregular: lengthier; lengthiest
資料來源:google 字典
It is advisable not to allow to yourself to be monoplized by one single viewer for a lengthy time.
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